Study abroad expands career possibilities!

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, “skills have become the global currency of the 21st century.” And in a recent Institute of International Education study, out 15 skills surveyed, “respondents reported developing a broad range of cognitive, intrapersonal, and interpersonal skills to a significant degree through study abroad, namely: intercultural skills, curiosity, flexibility & adaptability, confidence, self-awareness, interpersonal skills, communication, problem solving, language, tolerance for ambiguity, and course or major-related knowledge.”

From: Gaining an Employment Edge: The Impact of Study Abroad on 21st Century Skills and Career Prospects in the United States, by IIE Generation Study Abroad, 2017

Post Study Abroad Career Planning Resources

Post Study Abroad Re-entry Resources

  • Welcome Back Reception - Held in the beginning of each semester for students returning from study/intern abroad, this reception includes a dinner and time for reunion with fellow travelers, group reflection exercises, a photo montage, tips for coping with re-entry, and tips on participating in future international opportunities.
  • Mental Health and Re-entry - When you return, you may experience what we refer to as “reverse culture shock”. Attending a re-entry session upon your return to King’s, leaning on family members, and keeping in touch with your friends from study abroad are all good ways to help make that transition easier. Please do not hesitate to seek counseling services if you need additional support in adjusting to life back home. It is quite normal to need extra support! Students are encouraged to contact or visit the King’s College Counseling Center with concerns about their own or others' mental or emotional well-being. 
  • Stay involved on campus! Contact the Office of Study Abroad to learn more about how you can get involved as a Peer Study Abroad Advisor, a work study student in the Office of Study Abroad, or a language partner, and in programs and clubs like the international SERVE trips, the FIMRC Club, Multicultural and International Students’ Club, and other campus activities!
  • Major or Minor in a Foreign Language - Interested in continuing your language studies? Consider majoring or minoring in Spanish or French. In addition to improving your linguistic proficiency, you will continue to improve your intercultural skills and add to your employability. Contact Professor Jennifer Darrell, Chair, King’s College Department of Foreign Languages, for more information: