Study Abroad Eligibility & FAQ

All majors are eligible for study abroad but it is very important that you start planning early in order to pick a programming and timing that meets the requirements of your major, minor, and campus activities.
Students are eligible for semester study abroad after the first semester of their sophomore year. To participate in a semester program before that time, students must petition King's for special permission. This restriction does not apply to summer programs. Some programs abroad are restricted to students with junior or senior status.
Students must have a 2.5 GPA at the time of application in order to be eligible for any study abroad.
Students must be in good disciplinary standing with King’s College based on a review of your disciplinary record and current probationary status, if applicable. Each case is reviewed separately so exceptions can be made in some cases. Disciplinary standing is reviewed via the “Pre-Application Form,” signed by the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs.
Transfer students may apply for study abroad but be aware that you may only transfer a maximum of 60 credit hours to your King’s College transcript. If you have already transferred the maximum number of credits, you should look into the semester affiliated or short-term King’s faculty-led programs. With affiliated and King’s faculty-led programs, you receive grades and King's College credits, not transfer credits.
Athletes, PA majors, and others with heavy on-campus time commitments may study abroad. We encourage PA students to study in short-term programs. Athletes are eligible and encouraged to study abroad, but you will need to speak with your coach first and cooperate closely with your coach in order to meet the needs of continued training, for example.
Frequently Asked Questions
When may I participate in the study abroad program?
How many credits will I have to take?
In a semester program, you are required to take a full-time course load while abroad, 12-18 credits. Typically, most summer study abroad students take 3-6 (sometimes 9) credits abroad, depending on the program.
Will the credits transfer?
What courses can I take while abroad?
Will the grades I receive count?
Yes! All of the grades you receive while studying abroad on an affiliated program or faculty-led program count. These grades will appear on your transcript and are calculated into your King's grade point average. If you study under a non-affiliated program, you will receive transfer credit for your course work. Again, in order for your course credits to transfer back to your King’s College transcript, you need to earn a “C” or better.
Will the classes I take count toward graduation?
What happens to my status at King's?
Before your departure on a semester or external summer study abroad program, the Registrar's Office is notified of your participation via the Off-Campus Study Form. Your status as a study abroad participant will be noted on your student records and transcript. You will continue to be enrolled and registered at King's while abroad.
How do I get King’s College approval (and, therefore credit) for my study abroad courses?
Prior to departure for a semester or external summer study abroad program, you need to fill out the “Off Campus Study Form,” have it signed by your faculty advisor, and submit it to the KC Registrar with copy/screenshot to Renata Evan in the OSA. It is important to seek approval from your academic advisor because the application of credits earned abroad toward major or graduation requirements depends upon departmental criteria. If you are applying for a faculty-led study abroad program, you do not need to submit the Off Campus Study Form.
Note: Semester and external summer study abroad students are responsible for registering for courses directly with the study abroad program (based on the list of courses and alternates you select with your advisor).
Your course credits will transfer back to your King’s College transcript, provided you earn a “C” or better.
Do I need to know a foreign language?
Where will I live while I am abroad?
Will I have the opportunity to travel?
Do I have to participate for a full year?
If I don't like it, may I come home in the middle of the program?
By coming home in the middle of the program, you are essentially withdrawing from King's. However, in an emergency, you may receive authorization from the College to return home. These situations will be handled case by case.
In the event of a voluntary withdrawal by a student from a semester, summer, or short-term faculty-led study abroad program, non-recoverable fees are not refundable. We urge students to read cancellation policies carefully before committing to a program.
May I apply if I'm a transfer student?
How much will it cost me to participate?
Do my King’s College Tuition and Fees apply to study abroad?
or an affiliated semester program, you pay the regular King's College tuition directly to King's and King’s pays the program tuition. The King’s College Business Office will receive an invoice from the affiliate school and pay your tuition. You will pay accommodation charges directly to the program. All other costs, such as board, books, round-trip transportation, insurance, and personal expenses are your responsibility. With an affiliated program, you are able to apply your full financial aid package to the cost of tuition and fees.
If you are studying through a non-affiliated semester program, tuition cost will vary from program to program. You will pay all tuition and fees directly to the program and will not pay fees to King's for the semester you are away.
Regardless of whether your program is affiliated or non-affiliated, you will remain a King’s College student during your semester study abroad. You will retain student email accounts and access to web services, participate in the housing lottery (if you are a resident student), have access to academic advisors and administrative staff, and be allowed to register for courses while abroad.
For a summer program, that is a non-US-based program external to King’s in which you enroll for credit transferable to King’s, you will pay all tuition and other fees directly to the study abroad program.
For a King’s College short-term faculty-led study abroad program, you will pay a flat fee to King’s, often in installments, to cover the total cost of the program. The price includes all travel, accommodations, lectures, site visits, health insurance and King’s College tuition.
Does my financial aid apply to study abroad?
Your financial aid package – King’s scholarships, state and federal grants and loans - will generally apply to an affiliated semester study abroad program.
If you are studying through a non-affiliated semester program or any external summer program, the tuition cost will vary from program to program. You will pay all fees directly to the program and will not pay fees to King's for the term you are away. Your state and federal grants and loans will generally apply toward the costs of non-affiliated programs. Your King’s College grants will not apply toward a non-affiliated program.
We strongly urge you to meet with the King’s College Office of Financial Aid during the study abroad planning process to find out more about how to maximize your financial aid. We also urge you to explore available scholarships.