Databases A-Z
- Academic Search Premier
- Full text journal articles for all academic fields.
- AccessEngineering
- An online resource that provides access to authoritative engineering reference sources as well as interactive tables and charts, instructional videos, and personalization tools.
- AccessMedicine (+ Case Files Collection)
- An online medical resource, particularly helpful for residents, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners. Includes leading medical textbooks and references, multimedia, self-assessment content, and a differential diagnosis tool. The AccessMedicine app provides quick access to point of care support. We also have access to the Case Files Collection, an interactive reference that lets students practice by working though realistic patient cases.
- AccessScience
- An online reference for all major scientific disciplines. Encompassing the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology and the McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, it includes thousands of articles and Research Reviews.
- Access World News Research Collection
- Comprehensive current news collection including full-text information and perspectives from 13,343 sources in the U.S. and internationally. Local, regional, national and international sources include print, web-only, images, newswires, magazines, broadcast transcripts, journals and videos. Date coverage varies with individual newspaper.
- Accessible Archives
- Resource providing digitized access to newspapers and other primary source materials in American history.
- America: History and Life with Full Text
- Resource covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present. Selective indexing for over 1,700 journals from 1955 to present, as well as full-text coverage of more than 200 journals and nearly 100 books.
- American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection
- Provides access to a notable archival collection of American periodicals published between 1684 and 1912. There are five chronological series.
- American Chemical Society (ACS) All Publications Package (NEW!)
- The ACS All Publications Package provides access to all of ACS's journals from 1996 to the present.
- ASTM Standards & Digital Library
- Online access to all 13,000 ASTM standards. Also includes all ASTM Manuals, Monographs, STPs, Data Series, and 9 journals.
- ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
- Indexes journals in religious studies; provides full text for many titles. It also includes the content from the ATLA Catholic Periodical and Literature Index.
- Bloom's Literature
- A literature reference database containing literary criticism, author information, videos, and materials on how to write about particular authors and works of literature.
- Books & Media in King's College's Corgan Library
- Books, DVDs, CDs and other items available from Corgan Library at King's College.
- Books @ JSTOR This ebook collection includes access to more than 40,000 high-quality backlist titles from 83 publishers. JSTOR ebooks are discoverable through the regular JSTOR search interface, and made available as individual ebook chapters. The ebook chapters work just like the journal articles on JSTOR, with unlimited simultaneous use, PDF downloads, and printing.
- Britannica Online
- The complete encyclopedia with related web sites.
- Business Book Summaries
- Provides summaries and reviews of top business books.
- Business Source Complete
- Full text articles for journals in business and related fields.
- Cabell's Directories
- Cabell's directories provide information on publishing guidelines, acceptance rates, and current contact information for academic journals in the fields of Accounting, Economics & Finance, Management, and Marketing.
- The Chronicle of Higher Education Online
- Premium access to the Chronicle of Higher Education online.
- CINAHL Complete
- The world's most comprehensive source of full-text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 1,400 journals indexed in CINAHL.
- The Cochrane Library
- A collection of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Includes access to the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials.
- Communication & Mass Media Complete
- Indexes and provides full text for communications/mass media journals.
- CQ Researcher
- Provides in-depth coverage of important and controversial issues.
- Credo Reference
- An online reference collection covering a broad range of topics.
- Criminal Justice
- Also known as the Criminal Justice Periodical Index, this database covers material from 1981-Present. The database includes abstract and indexing for 250 titles, with more than 100 available in full-text. Topics covered include criminal justice, law enforcement, corrections administration, drug enforcement, rehabilitation, family law, and industrial security.
- Discovery
- Try our new research tool. Discovery allows you to search almost all of our resources at once, and get relevancy-ranked results, using a single search box .
- eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
- Use this link to search all of our EBSCO ebook collections simultaneously. The Library provides access to 256,265 EBSCO ebook titles, including 81,029 DRM-free ebooks. To search the EBSCO ebook collections individually, use this link and select "Choose Databases" at the top, center of the page. This will open a list of EBSCO databases and ebook collections to choose from.
- EBSCOhost Databases
- Allows for searching several EBSCOhost databases simultaneously.
- Education Research Complete
- Indexes and provides full text for hundreds of journals and books covering all subjects and levels of education.
- Engineering Source
- Provides information relevant to many engineering disciplines. Includes indexing for almost 3,000 publications and full-text for more than 1,600 publications. Includes engineering journals, magazines, trade publications, books, conference papers, and proceedings.
- Indexes educational journal articles (EJ) and documents (ED). NOTE: Due to privacy concerns, thousands of ERIC full text documents are currently unavailable. ERIC is actively working to restore access.
- GreenFILE
- Information on all aspects of human impact on the environment; provides full text articles for selected titles.
- Health Care Management Review
- Practice-based articles on management in institutional health care settings.
- Historical Abstracts with Full Text
- Full text articles on world history excluding North America from 1450 forward.
- Historical New York Times
- Searchable full text and full image content of the New York Times from 1851 -- 3 years ago.
- International Directory of Company Histories (1988-2019)
- Provides histories of companies that are a leading influence in a particular industry or geographic location. For students, job candidates, business executives, historians and investors.
- JSTOR (Essential Collection, Biological Sciences Collection, + selected individual titles)
- Full text access to scholarly articles from core journals in the arts and sciences. The JSTOR Essential collection comprises Arts & Sciences I-IV and VII. The content in the Biological Sciences Collection spans the sciences, with an emphasis on ecology and evolutionary biology, plant and animal sciences, paleontology, and conservation.
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)
- Indexes resources pertaining to librarianship and information management.
- Library Literature & Information Science Full Text (H.W. Wilson)
- Database for research in library and information studies. Full-text coverage of over 170 journals along with indexing and abstracts from almost 400 periodicals.
- MEDLINE with Full Text
- Full text articles for medical journals indexed in MEDLINE.
- Mergent Online
- Full text information for U.S. and international publicly-traded companies.
- MLA Directory of Periodicals
- Detailed information on journals.
- MLA International Bibliography with Full Text
- Index to research in literature and related fields. The database contains millions of citations as well as full text for 1,000 journals.
- New England Journal of Medicine
- Online access to NEJM, the world's leading medical journal.
- Newspaper Source
- Full text articles from selected regional, national, and international newspapers and other news sources.
- Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
- Definitive source of the history and development of the English language.
- Oxford Scholarship Online eBooks (NEW!)
- Access to over 16,000 eBooks from Oxford University Press.
- PEDro
- PEDro is the Physiotherapy Evidence Database, a free database of over 26,000 randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.
- Philosopher's Index
- Indexes books and journals in philosophy and related fields.
- Project Muse (includes Project Muse eBooks)
- Full text articles from scholarly journals and access to several selected ebooks covering topics in the humanities, arts and social sciences.
- More than 180,000 full text articles from over 100 journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and allied organizations.
- PsycINFO
- American Psychological Association index to research in psychology and related fields.
- PubMed/Medline
- National Library of Medicine index containing more than 32 million citations and abstracts of biomedical literature. It does not include full text journal articles; however, links to the full text are often present when available from other sources.
- Salem Press
- The Salem Press database provides electronic access to the complete content of printed reference books. Currently, King's has access to a number of the Magill's Literary Annuals and Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: History, Theme, & Technique.
- Science Direct Health & Life Sciences College Edition (Elsevier)
- Peer-reviewed electronic journals in the sciences. Free full text for articles published since January 1, 2003, for health and life sciences journals only.
- Science Full Text Select (Wilson)
- Full text articles for journals in the natural sciences.
- SciFinder-n
- CAS SciFinder-n is the most comprehensive and authoritative tool for research in chemistry and related sciences. NOTE: You must register for a user account in order to use SciFinder-n To obtain the URL for the registration form, contact the Electronic Resources Librarian.
- SPORTDiscus with Full Text
- Indexes sports and sports medicine journals and provides full text articles for hundreds of titles.
- SpringerLink Contemporary
- SpringerLink Contemporary - Community Plus provides access to full text from over 1,500 academic journals in the STEM disciplines, including medicine, life sciences, engineering, and public health. Full text coverage for most of the journals is from 1997 to the present.
- Times Leader E-Edition (NEW for Spring 2024!)
- King's College provides access to the Times Leader E-Edition for all students, faculty, and staff.
- Value Line Investment Survey Online
- Comprehensive information on stocks, the stock market, industries and the economy.
- Wall Street Journal Education
- King's College Corgan Library provides school-sponsored WSJ memberships to all students, faculty, and staff. Members have full digital access to The Wall Street Journal via and the app-including curated career content at, and The Journal podcast. Members also receive access to virtual events and offers, such as invites to talks and a free e-book each month. Activate your membership by using the link above or go to NOTE: If you currently pay for an existing WSJ membership you can get a partial refund--call 1-800-JOURNAL and mention that you are switching to your King's College-sponsored membership.
- Women's Studies Archive: Women's Issues and Identities
- A digitized archive of materials from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries covering the social, political, and professional aspects of women's lives.