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Program Overview

Chemistry is the science of matter and its changes; the effort to understand the laws governing the behavior of atoms and molecules. Behind this dry definition is an enormous range of activities ranging from highly theoretical to immediately practical. Chemists study abstract theories in an effort to understand those fundamental laws. They then apply them in making new materials, eliminating pollution, fighting diseases, or detecting crime. Our chemistry graduates work in these areas and many others.

King’s major program consists of a sequence of courses taught by our highly qualified faculty that are designed to help the student understand the various branches of chemistry. Laboratory courses use state of the art equipment and teach the fundamentals of the scientific method; the creative questioning of nature and careful reasoning from the results. The Chemistry Department has a tradition of strong faculty-student interaction. Classes are deliberately small and each student receives personal attention.

students and professor in science lab


A degree in chemistry from King’s College is the gateway to a wide variety of careers. These range from “traditional” roles (such as analysis and synthesis), through interdisciplinary fields (e.g. materials, biochemistry) to “non-traditional” professions such as research and development, education, medicine, law, forensic science, technical writing, and pharmaceutical marketing.

Professional placements include: Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Benjamin Moore, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Archer Daniels Midland, Air Products, PPL, Penn Color, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi Pasteur, MarChem Northeast, Avantor Performance Materials, Champlain Cable Company, and High School Chemistry Teachers

Opportunities for Graduate Studies

Many careers in chemistry and related fields require advanced degrees. About half of our graduates eventually continue their education. Our graduates are very successful in being admitted into the best graduate schools (Half get accepted at the top 50 chemistry graduate programs in the country including Berkeley, Stanford, and Penn as recent examples), and in winning financial support. In recent years, each of our graduates accepted to graduate school has earned an award which provides a salary in addition to all tuition and fees. Opportunities include M.S./Ph.D. in chemistry, biochemistry, environmental science, forensic science, materials science, molecular biology, physiology, education, or business; doctor of medicine or dentistry, and law school. Each student who has chosen graduate school has received a graduate fellowship or assistantship. Their education has thus been free (they also each received a stipend). Several of our graduates have received scholarships to medical school, which is a great rarity.

Graduate school placements include: Berkeley, MIT, Stanford, Cornell, Texas at Austin, Princeton, Penn, Penn State, UNC, Johns Hopkins, Colorado at Boulder, Ohio State, Rice, U of Florida, Pitt, Duke, Michigan State, Florida State, USC, U of Virginia, Stony Brook, Notre Dame, Delaware, Kansas, South Carolina, Syracuse, Georgetown, Temple, and Lehigh

two people using a computer

What makes the King's program different?

The Department knows that the heart of science is the search for new knowledge. In order to share in this exciting adventure, each student is highly encouraged to elect a research project under the individual direction of a faculty member. This collaborative effort and hands-on experience are important factors in the success of our graduates.

The Department also believes that a scientist is also a member of society and must have a broadly based liberal education. Therefore, the chemistry major must select courses outside the major from the Core curriculum.

Most King’s chemistry graduates enter 1) graduate school in chemistry, biochemistry, or other chemically related areas; 2) employment in chemical research, development, forensic, or quality control laboratories; 3) teaching in secondary schools; 4) further study in medically related professions. However, a number have made careers in law, business, and other areas that are not traditionally associated with a degree in chemistry. The technical knowledge and the intellectual discipline a student develops in the chemistry program serve our graduates well, whatever their careers.

A substantial number of our graduates have gone on to careers as physicians or dentists. Chemistry majors intending to apply to medical or dental school should plan to take at least two semesters of biology (including laboratory) and consult the Health Professions Advisor early in their academic career.

The Department also has designed several Core courses for non-science majors, to broaden their understanding of science and how it applies to life in our complex society.

Chemistry majors wishing to complete major sequence requirements at another institution must complete them at a four-year institution and have permission from the Department Chairperson.

Additional Info

Programs Offered

  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (B.S.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with Secondary Education Certification (B.S.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry-Business (B.S.)
  • Chemical Engineering through the 3+2 Dual Degree Engineering Program with Notre Dame
  • Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (B.S.)


  • Materials chemistry
  • Forensic chemistry

Select Compatible Minors

  • Forensic studies
  • Mathematics
  • Business Administration
  • Marketing
  • Criminal justice
  • Writing

Special Features

Many students have presented their work at national meetings or had their work published in international journals. The department has been ranked fifth in the nation in the percentage of its graduates who went on to earn a Ph.D. Over the past 15 years, more than 50% of our graduates have gone on to Ph.D. or M.D. programs at the most prestigious institutions. Graduates are certified by the American Chemical Society. The department is well equipped for teaching and undergraduate research. Students routinely use FTIR, UV-visible, NMR, and atomic absorption spectrometers; gas and liquid chromatographs; a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry system; thermal analysis equipment; SEM; and glovebox.

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