All information contained in a student's health record is kept in a confidential medical file and cannot be released without the student's consent. However, in the following cases, the law does allow confidentiality to be broken:
If a suicide or homicide is threatened
If you are hospitalized following an emergency
In the event of a life-threatening illness
Parents/guardians are also reminded that, by legal definition, a person aged 18 or over is an adult, and the Student Health Center cannot require the student to receive medical treatment, discuss any acute medical problems, or release medical information without the student's consent.
Office Visit Verification
The Student Health Center provides verification of office visits upon request at the time of illness or injury. Students, faculty, and staff should note that the Student Health Center does not provide "medical excuses" for missed classes and examinations. Exceptions include a serious illness, contagious nature of illness, need for bed rest, or limited activity. If recommended, this will be recorded on the verification note.
Medical Records Request
Every undergraduate student has a confidential health record that is maintained by the Student Health Center. This record is accessible while enrolled at the College and kept on file for seven (7) years beyond the date of graduation or departure from the College.
If you are requesting your medical records, please call (570) 208-5852 or email studenthealth@kings.eduwith the specific information needed. Your request should contain:
Your/the student's name
Phone number
Your/the student's date of birth
Your/the student's date of graduation or withdrawal