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Application FAQ

What is the difference between a transfer and first-year applicant?

A first-year applicant is classified as any student who has not enrolled in any college credit after graduating from high school, or has not yet graduated from high school.

A transfer applicant is any student who has enrolled in at least one hour of college credit after graduating high school.

How do I learn more about the application process?

The application for admission is an important step in exploring King's College. While the paperwork is a necessary component, we also value the opportunity to meet our applicants in person. We strongly recommend scheduling a personal interview at your earliest convenience by emailing or calling (570) 208-5858.

What do I need to do if I am a high school student?

  • Complete the application in its entirety.
  • Be sure your SAT or ACT scores will be forwarded. We will accept either direct reports from the testing service or test scores included on an official high school transcript.
  • If you are choosing the Test Optional application decision, you must select that option on the application for it to be processed.

Please submit any college/university transcript other than King's College indicating course work completed.

What do I need to do if I am a parent?

  • Please complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • King's College Federal School Code is 003282 (This code must be entered correctly on the FAFSA in order for King's College to receive access to your federal record.)
  • Please report your social security number accurately on both the application for admission, financial aid application, and the FAFSA.