IITS Policies
- Password Guidelines
- Campus Equipment
- Users of Internet Services
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Internet Acceptable Use Policy
- Computer Labs
- Software Installation
- World Wide Web
- Responsible Use of Information Technology
- Computer Resource Policy
- GDPR Privacy Policy
PASSWORD GUIDELINES: | Download printable PDF version of password guidelines here
The following guidelines are based upon widely accepted industry standards. They are explicit for the King's College networks and related systems. The software used to change passwords will screen for most of these guidelines as an aid in creating secure passwords. This does not relieve a person of the responsibility for creating and securing a good password.
- It must be at least seven characters in length. (Longer is generally better.)
- It should contain at least four alphabetic characters (Adding a number or upper/lower case characters is recommended but not required).
- It must be different from the previous five passwords used.
- It should not be the same as the User Name/User Id.
- It should not include the first, middle, or last name of the person issued the User Name/User Id.
- It should not be information easily available about you. This includes license plate, social security, telephone numbers, street address or any other easily obtainable personal information.
Password Expiration:
While password changes can be more often, they should occur whenever there is a belief that the password has been compromised. King's College IITS can change or assist in the changing of your password at any time at your request. All passwords for newly activated users must be changed at first use. This way only the person assigned the User Name/User Id knows the password. To ensure security each password will expire 52 weeks from the last password change.
IITS reserves the right to change an end user's password under limited circumstances for service or maintenance purposes. When this is necessary the end user will be notified of their temporary password and be forced to change to a new password when they login the first time.
Computer Equipment usage is restricted to Faculty, Administrators, Staff and currently enrolled students.
Certain Internet services may contain language or pictures which some individuals may find offensive, inflammatory, or of an adult nature. Such contents are the sole responsibility of the Internet service provider. King's College does not endorse such materials and disclaims any and all liability for their contents.
Respect for intellectual labor and creativity is vital to academic discourse and enterprise. This principle applies to works of all authors and publishers in all media. It encompasses respect for the right to acknowledgment, right to privacy, and right to determine the form, manner, and terms of publications and distribution.
Because electronic information is volatile and easily reproduced, respect for the work and personal expression of others is especially critical in computer environments. Violations of authorial integrity, including plagiarism, invasion of privacy, unauthorized access, and trade secret and copyright violations, may be grounds for sanctions against members of the academic community.
For more information concerning copyright legislation, please refer to The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998).
If you feel that your digital/electronic copyright has been violated, please contact our Managing Director of Academic & Instructional Technology:
Bill Keating
King's College
133 N. River Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
Users of Internet resources should observe the following guidelines:
General Principle
The purpose of Internet at King's College is to support the administrative mission, academic research and other scholarly activities by providing access to shared resources and the opportunity for collaborative work. Use for other purposes is not acceptable. The intent of this statement is to give an overview of acceptable and unacceptable uses of computing and networked resources without exhaustively enumerating all such uses and misuses. This statement applies to use of the Internet resource at King's College and its current Internet Service provider (ISP).
Acceptable Uses
- Communication and exchange for professional development, to maintain currency, or to debate issues in a field or subfield of knowledge.
- Use for disciplinary-society, university-association, government-advisory, or standards activities related to the user's research and instructional activities.
- Use in applying for or administering grants or contracts for research or instruction, but not for other fundraising or public relations activities.
- Any other administrative communications or activities in direct support of research and instruction.
- Announcements of new products or services for use in research or instruction, but not advertising of any kind.
- Communication incidental to otherwise acceptable use, except for illegal or specifically unacceptable use.
Unacceptable Uses
- Use in for-profit activities, unless covered by the General Principle or as a specifically acceptable use.
- Excessive or extensive use for private or personal business.
- Use in anyway that is illegal (e.g. copyright violations)
King's College reserves the right to limit access to specific network resources at specific times in order to guarantee that the academic and administrative missions of the College are achieved in an efficient and effective manner. This limitation to network resources applies to all users at King's College. All users are asked to respect the prioritization of resources during classroom and business hours.
The primary purpose of the Computer Laboratory is for course related projects and assignments.
- Games and personal activities have a lower priority than coursework. This means that a student wishing to do coursework may ask a person conducting personal activities to leave if all the computers are being utilized in the lab.
- At peak times, the college IITS Division reserves the right to limit some of the resource capabilities which allow students to use the labs for activities which are not course related.
- Eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited in the labs.
- No software may be installed on the computers in the labs. This includes games.
Anyone caught tampering with equipment or violating computer related policies will be reported to the Associate Vice-President for Student Affairs for disciplinary action. This includes changing any files that currently reside on the workstations, theft and deliberate vandalism of hardware.
How do I get my software installed in the labs or on a classroom PC?
In order to have software installed on the image, the end user should contact the help desk at help@kings.edu or ext 4357.
Software installations have the ability to affect all members of the community. We encourage the following schedule in order to reduce any complications that may hinder the effectiveness of our labs to the community.
Summer | May 1st |
Fall | June 1st |
Spring | Last day of the fall semester |
King's College Policy for Publishing on the World Wide Web
NOTE: This is a DYNAMIC Policy and as such should be viewed as an evolving, working document.
General Principle
Web publishers should aim to make information presented on King's College WWW pages as complete as possible, so that Web pages can become an important source of information about the College for students, faculty, and staff, as well as the wider public.
The King's Web Site is an information resource for both external and internal users. The goals of the Web Site are:
- to provide comprehensive information about King's College and its diverse programs and services
- to provide information about events, calendars, activities occurring at the College
- to provide avenues for individuals and organizations to maintain contact with the College
- to present information about King's in a dynamic and evolving electronic format
- Home Page = the (one) page, usually named index.html, which is the reference point for a given site
- Web Site = the collection of all files in a domain that are accessed by the http protocol
- The "official" King's College Web Site = www.kings.edu
Organization and Administration
1. There will be one primary point of entry to official King's College Web Site--the King's College home page and associated pages. These pages should point to all official King's College pages.
2. All "official" King's College Web pages must be registered with the Public Relations Office. To be registered, there must be an approved page manager responsible for the page. The Public Relations Office will check pages for consistency and adherence to Web policy guidelines.
3. Each WWW page must have a page manager, who is responsible for the information on the page and for making accurate and timely updates. The name and e-mail address of the page manager must appear on the page along with the date the page was last updated.
4. Appropriate security must be maintained for information that is confidential or for internal use only.
5. All official King's College information will be hosted on a designated server.
6. Faculty and staff members, other than official page managers, who are interested in including official college data on their Web pages should not post duplicate information. Instead, they should contact the appropriate page manager to obtain the URL address of the official King's College "data page" and create a link to that page. Official information will be modular in order to encourage others to point to the information rather than duplicating portions.
Example >>
The Admissions Office is the logical source for current tuition and fees. That office would create an official King's College data page listing current figures. Any other offices which need to provide tuition figures to Web page browsers would create a link titled "Tuition Figures for the Academic Year" and point this to the Admissions Office Page rather than typing the information into their own html documents.
7. To present a unified and consistent image, only the King's graphic image and photographs will be used as the header for official pages. The structure/design of the Web Site will be adjusted as new information is added to facilitate use and to enhance the organization and logic of the Web Site.
8. It is expected that there will be Web pages at King's College which are "unofficial." Any person using the King's College system to publish Web pages will be subject to King's College's standards and accepted practices for responsible computing. Any abuse of these guidelines will be dealt with through normal disciplinary channels and may subject the user to denial of further campus computing privileges.
9. All unofficial home pages must carry the following disclaimer:
"King's College makes its Web server available to members of the King's College community for their possible use and enjoyment but does not necessarily endorse the items published here."
10. Creation and maintenance of unofficial pages are the exclusive responsibility of the clubs, organizations, groups, and/or individuals involved.
11. The provisions of the College's policy on Responsible Use of Information Technology will also apply to all pages.
Top-level pages should contain:
- Revision information, i.e., date last revised/updated;
- Full name of the page manager (person responsible for page maintenance).
- E-mail address of page manager or person to contact with questions.
- A live link for sending comments.
- A link to the main King's College home page.
Subsidiary pages should contain
- Revision information.
- E-mail address of page manager
- A link back to the calling page (the page the original link was made from);
- A link to the main King's College home page displayed
Guidelines for Creating OFFICIAL Pages
- Official pages are considered to be pages of King's College's academic and administrative departments.
- The page manager must notify Public Relations and the Web Designer of an intent to publish a page.
- Once approval is obtained, material for the page is to be submitted on diskette to the Web Designer. A paper copy should accompany the electronic information to assist in recreating, as closely as possible, the original style of the information.
- Material submitted must be in html or Word format. Proofing and editing should be done by the page manager. The Web Designer is responsible for the mechanics of placing information into the framework of the Web Site. The Web Designer is not responsible for typing, proofing, or approving the content of any documents.
- Page must include the e-mail address of the page manager.
Guidelines for Creating UNOFFICIAL Pages
- Unofficial pages are considered to be pages of clubs, organizations, groups, and individuals.
- All unofficial home pages must carry the following disclaimer:
"King's College makes these WWW pages available to members of the King's College community for their possible use and enjoyment but does not necessarily endorse the items published here."
- Club and organization moderators are responsible for page content and adherence to web policy guidelines. The moderator's name and e-mail address must appear on the page.
- Creation and maintenance of unofficial pages are the exclusive responsibility of the clubs, organizations, groups, and/or individuals involved.
General Principle
This document constitutes the College policy for the management of computer networks, personal computers and the resources made available thereby. The policy reflects the ethical principles of the College community and indicates, in general, the privileges and responsibilities of those using College computing resources.
Acceptable Use
Institutional Purposes
College computing and networked resources are to be used exclusively to advance the College's mission of education, research, and public service. Faculty, administration and staff may use them only for purposes related to their responsibilities for providing instruction, carrying- out of their duties as employees, their official business with the College, and other College-sanctioned or authorized activities. Students may use them only for the purpose of academic research, course-work support, scholarly collaboration and other scholarly activities. The use of College computing and networked resources for commercial purposes including any sort of solicitation is prohibited, absent prior written permission of the appropriate College official(s). Unauthorized commercial uses of College computing and networked resources jeopardize the College's relationships with network service providers, computer equipment and software vendors and tax-exempt status.
The College acknowledges that occasionally faculty, administration, staff and students use College computing resources assigned to them or to which they are granted access for non-commercial, personal use. Such occasional non-commercial uses are permitted by faculty, administrators, staff, and students if they are not excessive, do not interfere with the performance of any faculty, administrators, or staff members, do not interfere with the efficient operation of the College or its computing and networked resources, and are not otherwise prohibited by this policy or any other College policy or directive. Decisions as to whether a particular use of computing and networked resources conforms with this policy shall be made by the Executive Director of IITS in consultation with the Vice President of Academic Affairs if the use involves faculty or student academic matters, by the Office of Student Affairs if the use involves non-academic student use, and by the Department of Human Resources if the use involves administrators or staff.
Impermissible Use
Computing and networked resources may only be used for legal purposes and may not be used for any of the following purposes or any other purpose which is illegal, immoral, unethical, dishonest, damaging to the reputation of the College, inconsistent with the mission of the College, or likely to subject the College to liability. Impermissible uses (some of which may also constitute illegal uses) include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Harassment
- Libel or slander
- Fraud or misrepresentation
- Copyright infringement
- Violation of local, state, or federal law
- Destruction of or damage to equipment, software, or data belonging to the College or others
- Disruption or unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications
- Unauthorized copying or transmission of copyright-protected material
- Altering or misuse of the College's trademarks, logos, insignia, or copyrights without prior approval
- Violation of computer system security
- Unauthorized use of computer accounts, access codes (including passwords), or network identification numbers (including e-mail addresses) assigned to others
- Use of computer communications facilities in ways that unnecessarily impede the computing activities of others (such as randomly initiating interactive electronic communications or e-mail exchanges, overuse of interactive network utilities, and so forth)
- Development or use of unapproved mailing lists
- Use of computing facilities for private business purposes unrelated to the mission of the College or to College life
- Academic dishonesty
- Violation of software license agreements
- Violation of network usage policies and regulations
- Violation of privacy
- Posting or sending obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, or offensive material
- Intentional or negligent distribution of computer viruses
Dissemination of student or employee personal information via electronic resources is a violation of FERPA policies and should therefore be avoided by any student, employee or representative of King's College. Personal information includes but is not limited to such things as social security numbers, ID numbers, birth dates, phone numbers, address information, and financial information. Electronic resources include but are not limited to such things as e-Mail, web pages, Communi-K, Share point sites, diskettes, CDs, USB drives, portable drives or other electronic media.
Cooperative Use
- Computing resource users can facilitate computing at the College in many ways.
- Collegiality demands the practice of cooperative computing. It requires:
- Regular deletion of unneeded files from one's accounts on shared computing resources
- Refraining from overuse of connect time, information storage space, printing facilities, processing capacity, or network services
- Refraining from use of sounds and visuals which might be disruptive or offensive to others
- Refraining from use of any computing resource in an irresponsible manner
- Refraining from unauthorized use of departmental or individual computing resources
General Policies
Computer use has become an integral part of many College activities. While much computing occurs on individual computing resources, most information and communication systems reside on central computers and use networks. Distributed resources, such as computer clusters, provide additional computing tools. Procedures for gaining access to and making optimal use of these resources (including the steps to be taken in lodging complaints) are available to users in the Computing Center.
Responsibilities Of Users
- The user is responsible for correct and sufficient use of the tools available for maintaining the security of information stored on each computer system. The following precautions are strongly recommended
- Computer accounts, passwords, and other types of authorization that are assigned to individual users should not be shared with others.
- The user should assign an obscure account password and change it frequently.
- The user should understand the level of protection each computer system automatically applies to files and supplement it, if necessary for sensitive or confidential information.
- The computer user should be aware of computer viruses and other destructive computer programs, and take steps to avoid being a victim or unwitting distributor of these processes.
- Ultimate responsibility for resolution of problems related to the invasion of the user's privacy or loss of data rests with the user.
- The computer user should consider whether information distributed using College resources should be protected from unauthorized use by the use of copyright notices or by the restriction of distribution of certain materials to the King's users.
- King's College will assume that users are aware that electronic files are not necessarily secure.
- Users of electronic mail systems should be aware that electronic mail in its present form is generally not secured and is extremely vulnerable to unauthorized access and modification. The Computing Center will make available to interested persons information concerning reasonable methods for attempting to protect information on central computing resources from loss, tampering, unauthorized search , or other access. Levels of obtainable security will vary depending upon the system involved. Information on procedures appropriate to each resource will be available in the Computing Center.
Privacy And Confidentiality
- King's College reserves the right to inspect and examine any King's College owned or operated communications system, computing resource, and/or files or information contained therein for College related reasons.
When sources outside the College request an inspection and/or examination of any King's College owned or operated communications system, computing resource, and/or files or information contained therein, the College will treat information as confidential unless any one or more of the following conditions exist
- When approved by the appropriate College official
- When authorized by the owner(s) of the information
- When required by federal, state, or local law
- When required by a valid subpoena or court order
Note: When notice is required by law, court order, or subpoena, computer users will receive prior notice of such disclosures (viewing information in the course of normal system maintenance does not constitute disclosure).
External Networks
Members of the College community who use College leased/owned networks or facilities, shall adhere to this policy and all policies and procedures established by the service provider, facilities, or computers they use (policies and procedures can usually be obtained from the service provider of the network in question). Whether or not an external policy exists, the King's College Responsible Use of Information Technologies Policy shall remain in effect and shall be adhered to by members of the College community at all times.
Violations of this Policy shall subject users to the regular disciplinary process and procedures of the College for faculty, administrators, and staff and may result in loss of their computing privileges. Illegal acts involving College computing resources may also subject violators to prosecution by local, state, and/or federal authorities.
- As part of the services available through the King's College campus network, the College provides access to a large number of conferences, lists, bulletin boards, and Internet information sources. These materials are not affiliated with, endorsed by, edited by, or reviewed by King's College, and the College takes no responsibility for the truth or accuracy of the content found within these information sources. Moreover, some of these sources may contain material that is offensive or objectionable to some users.
The use of the Internet connection and network resources is a privilege afforded to King's students. It is not a right. King's College is committed to providing a stable computing environment to its students, faculty, and staff. In the unlikely event of an actual loss or corruption of data stored on a college system, the college and associated employees can not be held financially responsible.
King's College makes network disk space available to all students as a courtesy to make their information and files available in any campus lab or classroom machines. Although we make every effort to secure and backup this information, King's College does not assume any responsibility or liability for any files lost, or damaged, or any academic ramifications as a result of information lost or damaged on their network. King's College strongly recommends all students keep their own up-to-date backup copies of any and all information stored on the network servers to avoid any potential problems.
The primary purpose of King's computer resources is to enhance and support the educational mission of the college. These resources include various microcomputers, workstations and mini computers along with local area networks and connections to other computer networks via the College's ISP and the Internet. All students, faculty and staff are responsible for using King's computing and networked resources in an effective, ethical and lawful manner.
The intent of this statement is to give an overview of acceptable and unacceptable uses of computing and networked resources without exhaustively enumerating all such uses and misuses.
Acceptable Use
- Use consistent with the mission of King's College.
- Use for purposes of, or in support of, education and research.
- Use related to administrative and other support activities considered consistent with the mission of King's College.
- Use consistent with the acceptable usage policies of the College's ISP.
Unacceptable Use
- Use of computers or networks that violates federal, state or local laws or statutes.
- Providing, assisting in, or gaining unauthorized access to King's computer resources.
- Use of King's computers or networks for unauthorized or inappropriate access to systems, software or data at other sites.
- Activities that interfere with the ability of others to use King's computing resources or other network connected services effectively.
- Activities that result in the loss of another persons work or unauthorized access to another persons work.
- Distribution of obscene, abusive or threatening messages via electronic mail or other means.
- Distribution of chain letters or broadcasting to lists of individuals in such a manner that might cause congestion on the network.
- Use of King's computers or networks for commercial use or profit-making enterprise, except as specifically agreed to with the College.
- Uses inconsistent with the acceptable usage policies of the College's ISP.
Individuals are responsible for any actions which take place from their accounts. Violations of these policies may result in disciplinary action by the college including but not limited to permanent revocation of individuals' accounts and/or denial of Internet services.
This privacy policy explains how King's College collects, uses and shares your personal data, and your rights in relation to the personal data we hold. This privacy notice concerns our processing of personal data of past, present and prospective students of King's College as well as King's College employees.
How we collect your information
We may collect your personal data in a number of ways, for example:
- from the information you provide to us when you interact with us before joining, for example when you express your interest in studying or working at King's College;
- when you apply for enrollment at King's College and complete enrolment forms via internal or 3rd-party systems and when you complete other employment applications, admissions applications, processes and procedures;
- when you communicate with us by telephone, email or via our website, in order to make enquiries or raise concerns;
- in various other ways as you interact with us during your time as a student or employee of King's College, for the various purposes set out below;
- from third parties, for example from your previous or current school, testing companies, financial aid applications, or employers who may provide a reference about you.
The types of information we collect
We may collect the following types of personal data about you:
- your name, and demographic/contact information such as address, email address and telephone numbers, as well as your date of birth, social security number (or other tax identification number) and your passport number or national identity card details, country of domicile and your nationality. We will also allocate you a unique student/employee ID number;
- information relating to your education and employment history, the school(s), other colleges or universities you have attended and places where you have worked, the courses you have completed, dates of study and examination/testing results. We will also keep records relating to assessments of your work, details of examinations taken, your mid-term and final grades and other information in your student record;
- information about your family or personal circumstances, and both academic and extracurricular interests, for example where this is relevant to the assessment of your suitability to receive a scholarship or in order to provide you with appropriate care;
- sensitive personal data and information about criminal convictions and offences, including:
- information concerning your health and medical conditions (e.g. disability and dietary needs);
- certain criminal convictions/records
- information about your racial or ethnic origin; religion or similar beliefs; and sexual orientation.
How we use information about our students
The purposes for which we may use personal data (including sensitive personal data) we collect during a student's association with us include:
- recruitment and admissions;
- potential employment
- academic matters, including:
- the provision of our core teaching, learning and research services (e.g. registration, assessment, attendance, managing progress, academic misconduct investigations, certification, graduation);
- maintaining student and employee records;
- assessing your eligibility for aid, grants and scholarships, etc.
- providing library, IITS and information services;
- non-academic matters in support of our core services, including:
- providing student support services (e.g. Disability and Additional Learning Support, Careers and Employability Service, Health and Wellness Service, Student Health Centre, personal supervisors and academic departments);
- monitoring equal opportunities;
- safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students/employees;
- ensuring employees and students' safety and security;
- managing student and employee accommodation;
- managing the use of social media;
- managing parking on campus;
- administering finance (e.g. fees, scholarships and billing);
- other administrative purposes, including:
- carrying out research and statistical analysis;
- carrying out audits (e.g. to ensure compliance with our regulatory and legal obligations);
- providing operational information (e.g. providing IITS support, information about building closures or access restrictions on campus, or safety advice);
- promoting our services (e.g. providing information about summer schools, student exchanges, or other events happening on and off campus);
- preventing and detecting crime;
- dealing with grievances and disciplinary actions;
- dealing with complaints and enquiries.
Contact us
If you have any queries about this privacy notice or how we process your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officers by email:
Please direct any questions or requests for removal under GDPR to the compliance officers: Associate Vice President of Human Resources, Associate Vice President of IITS / CIO or Managing Director of MIS.
Breach Notification
In the event of a data breach of King's College information systems that include personal information, notification will occur within 72-hours and that information will be posted on the King's College website.
Graduation and degree information
Personal data (including award and classification) will be published in the award ceremony booklet. This information will also be passed to third parties involved in the ceremonies (including our local papers and commemorative clothing suppliers). All published details will be available on our archive and our website following the relevant graduation events.
You may withhold your consent to your name being published for these purposes when you register online to attend the award ceremony or graduate in absentia.
All award ceremonies are broadcast online and will be available to view online afterwards.
The basis for processing your information and how we use it
We may process your personal data because it is necessary for the performance of a contract with you or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract. In this respect, we use your personal data for the following:
- to interact with you before you are enrolled as a student, as part of the admissions process (e.g. to send you a guide book or to answer inquiries about our courses);
- once you have enrolled, to provide you with the services as set out in our Student Agreement;
- to deal with any concerns or feedback you may have;
- for any other purpose for which you provide us with your personal data.
We may also process your personal data because it is necessary for the performance of our tasks carried out in the public interest or because it is necessary for our or a third party's legitimate interests. In this respect, we may use your personal data for the following:
- to provide you with educational services which may not be set out in our Student Agreement but which are nevertheless a part of our academic and educational mission;
- to monitor and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the university, including by training our staff or monitoring their performance;
- to maintain and improve the academic, corporate, financial, advancement and human resource management of the university;
- to promote equality and diversity throughout the university;
- to seek advice on our rights and obligations, such as where we require our own legal advice;
- recovering money you owe to us;
- for fundraising purposes.
We may also process your personal data for our compliance with our legal obligations. In this respect, we may use your personal data for the following:
- to meet our compliance and regulatory obligations;
- for the prevention and detection of crime;
- in order to assist with investigations (including criminal investigations) carried out by the police and other authorities.
We may also process your personal data where:
- it is necessary for medical purposes (e.g. medical diagnosis, provision of health or social care or treatment, or a contract with a health professional);
- it is necessary to protect your or another person's vital interests; or
- we have your specific or, where necessary, explicit consent to do so.
Sharing information with others
For the purposes referred to in this privacy notice and relying on the basis for processing as set out above, we may share your personal data with certain third parties. You are given the opportunity to opt out of some of these data sharing arrangements, for example when you register with us, but you should carefully consider the possible impact of doing this. Unless an opt-out is in place, we may disclose limited personal data to a variety of recipients including:
- our employees, agents and contractors where there is a legitimate reason for their receiving the information, including:
- third parties who work with us to provide student services and accommodation;
- third parties who work with us to provide student support services (e.g. counselling);
- third parties who work with us to provide employee support services;
- organizations operating anti-plagiarism software on our behalf (such as Turnitin®;
- internal and external auditors.
- those with an interest in tracking student progress and attendance, including:
- student sponsors (e.g. the Student Loan Company);
- current or potential education providers (for example, where you take part in an exchange program as part of your course work);
- current or potential employers (to provide references and, where students are sponsored by their employer and/or where you take part in a placement, to provide details of progress/attendance);
- professional and regulatory bodies in relation to the confirmation of qualifications, professional registration and conduct and the accreditation of courses;
- government departments and agencies where we have a statutory obligation to provide information;
- crime prevention or detection agencies (e.g. the police);
- parents, guardians, and next-of-kin (where there is a legitimate reason and approval for disclosure);
- third parties conducting surveys.
Advancement and Alumni Relations
We share specific personal data with our Advancement Office when you graduate. This information will be used for alumni activities, including sending King's College publications, promotion of alumni benefits, services, events and programs. Your personal data may also be used in fundraising programs. We may also disclose limited personal data to our contractors for analysis in connection with fundraising activities.
Changes to your personal data
Please tell us promptly about any changes to the information we hold about you. This is particularly important for your contact details.
How long your information is kept
Subject to any other notices that we may provide to you, we may retain your personal data for a period of seven years after your association with us has come to an end. However, some information may be retained indefinitely by us in order to maintain your academic record for archiving purposes (or by the Advancement Office for the purposes of supporting your lifelong relationship with King's College).
Your rights
Under the GDPR you will have the following rights:
- to require us to correct the personal data we hold about you if it is incorrect;
- to require us to erase your personal data;
- to require us to restrict our data processing activities (and, where our processing is based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent, without affecting the lawfulness of our processing based on consent before its withdrawal);
- to receive from us the personal data we hold about you which you have provided to us, in a reasonable format specified by you, including for the purpose of you transmitting that personal data to another data controller;
- to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to any of our particular processing activities where you feel this has a disproportionate impact on your rights.
Please note that the above rights are not absolute, and we may be entitled to refuse requests where exceptions apply.