Logo for first generation monarchs.

King’s College was founded to educate first-generation students: the sons and daughters of coal miners and mill workers from Northeastern Pennsylvania. We are proud to continue that tradition today by serving many students who are often the first in their family to go to college. Because of this commitment, King’s College is designated as a First-Gen Forward™ Institution, an initiative of NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and The Suder Foundation, which recognizes higher education institutions who have demonstrated a commitment to improving experiences and advancing outcomes for first-gen college students.

A first-generation student is defined as someone “whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) do not have a four-year college degree.” The importance of the work, according to the Center for First-Generation Student Success, is implied in the term “first-generation” due to “the possibility that a student may lack the critical cultural capital necessary for college success because their parents did not attend college.” Our First-Generation Monarchs Committee works hard to strategically ensure first-gen student success through four priorities: advocate, bring awareness, celebrate, and support. View the full list of First Generation Monarchs committee members here.

Students on the campus walkways with Father Issing.

Past Events


Logo for Alpha Alpha Alpha. Logo for NASPA First Forward Institutions

Contact Us

Contact the First Generation Monarchs via email at firstgenmonarchs@kings.edu.

King’s College is designated as a First-Gen Forward™ Institution by the Center for First-generation Student Success in the 2022-23 cohort. First-Gen Forward is the nation's first recognition program acknowledging higher education institutions for their commitment to first-generation student success.