Ann Yezerski, Ph.D.
Ann Yezerski, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology
Office: Parente 303
Phone: 570-208-5900 x5602
Educational Background
B.A., Biopsychology, Juniata College, 1992
M.S., Molecular Genetics, University of Vermont, 1997
Ph.D., Molecular Genetics, University of Vermont, 1999
Courses Taught
Biol 113 Evolution and Diversity
Biol 210 Organisms and their Ecosystems
Biol 323 Genetics
Biol 330 Introduction to Bioinformatics
Biol 370 Junior Seminar
Biol 416 Parasitology
Biol 447 Physiology
Biol 450 Molecular Genetics
Research Interests
Do Genes Associated with Dyslexia Correlate with College Major Choice?
Genetics of the Chemical Defense System of the Flour Beetle, Tribolium confusum
Physiological and Behavioral Manipulation of the Rat Tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, on its Intermediate and Terminal Hosts
Effects of Environmental Levels of Drugs and Their Metabolites on the Physiology of Frogs
Conference Presentations
Claire Jones. Pennsylvania Academy of Science Annual Conference (2018). "Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP's) associated with dyslexia may influence college major choice in the King's College community."
Nicholas Saccone. Pennsylvania Academy of Science Annual Conference (2017). "Some dyslexia-associated SNP's correlate with college major choice."
Association for Biology Laboratory Education: Annual Conference (2011). New Mexico State University, NM. "Using microfossils to teach ecology and evolution."
International Conference on Antimicrobials: Annual Meeting (2010). Valladolid, Spain. "Benzoquinones secreted by Tribolium beetles found to be selective antimicrobials"
Association for Biology Laboratory Education: Annual Conference (2010). Dalhousie University, NS. "Genotyping SNP's associated with dyslexia."
(* indicates an undergraduate student)
Yezerski, Ann, Y. Luyten*, T. Dubiel*. (In Review). "Comparison of the effects of multiple variables on the levels of infection of the rat tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, in its intermediate host, the confused flour beetle Tribolium confusum" Environmental Parasitology.
Yezerski, A. (2014). "The Great Larva Race: Using Fruit Fly Larval Speed to Study Quantitative Genetics." Page 413, in Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Volume 35 (K. McMahon, Editor). Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), 477 pages
Yezerski, A. (2013). "Genetic Variations That May Increase Your Resistance to Malaria." Pages 290-300, in Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Volume 34 (K. McMahon, Editor). Proceedings of the 34th Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), 499 pages.
Yezerski, A. (2012). "Using Microfossils to Demonstrate Ecology and Evolution: (In Memoriam of Charlie Drewes). "Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Volume 33 (K. McMahon, Editor). Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), 390 pages.
Yezerski, A. (2011). "Genotyping SNPs Associated With Dyslexia." Pages 225-236, in Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Volume 32 (K. McMahon, Editor). Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), 445 pages.
Yezerski, A., C. Ciccone*, B. Volingavage*, J. Rozitski*. (2007) "The effect of a naturally produced benozoqinone on microbes common to flour." Journal of Chemical Ecology 33:1217-1225.
Yezerski, A. (2006). "Why students can learn more from bad professors." Labstracts 27(2): 1.
Yezerski, A. (2005). "Molecular Genetic Linkage Mapping in Tribolium Beetles." Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Virginia Tech University, Association for Biology Laboratory Education.
Yezerski, A., G. Cussatt*, D. L. Glick and M. Evancho* (2005). "The effects of the presence of stored product pests on the microfauna of a flour community." Journal of Applied Microbiology 98(2): 507-515.
Yezerski, A. (2005). "Putting a Grant into Practice: Molecular Genetic Linkage Mapping Can Be Done by Undergraduates!" Labstracts 26(2): 1.
Yezerski, A. (2005). "Building a better student by having them build it themselves." Labstracts 27(1): 1.
Yezerski, A., T. P. Gilmor and L. Stevens (2004). "Genetic analysis of benzoquinone production in Tribolium confusum." Journal of Chemical Ecology 30(5): 1034-1044.
Yezerski, A., L. Stevens and J. Ametrano* (2003). "A genetic linkage map for Tribolium confusum based on Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA's (RAPD's) and Recombinant Inbred (RI) lines." Insect Molecular Biology 12(5): 517-526.
Yezerski, A., T. P. Gilmor and L. Stevens (2000). "Variation in the production and distribution of substituted benzoquinone compounds among genetic strains of the confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum." Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 73(2): 192-9.